#!/usr/bin/perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # \file build/makepack-dolibarrtheme.pl # \brief Script to build a theme Package for Dolibarr # \author (c)2005-2009 Laurent Destailleur #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Cwd; $PROJECT="dolibarr"; @LISTETARGET=("TGZ"); # Possible packages %REQUIREMENTTARGET=( # Tool requirement for each package "TGZ"=>"tar", "ZIP"=>"7z", "RPM"=>"rpmbuild", "DEB"=>"dpkg-buildpackage", "EXE"=>"makensis.exe" ); %ALTERNATEPATH=( "7z"=>"7-ZIP", "makensis.exe"=>"NSIS" ); use vars qw/ $REVISION $VERSION /; $REVISION='1.11'; $VERSION="1.0 (build $REVISION)"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ($DIR=$0) =~ s/([^\/\\]+)$//; ($PROG=$1) =~ s/\.([^\.]*)$//; $Extension=$1; $DIR||='.'; $DIR =~ s/([^\/\\])[\\\/]+$/$1/; # Detect OS type # -------------- if ("$^O" =~ /linux/i || (-d "/etc" && -d "/var" && "$^O" !~ /cygwin/i)) { $OS='linux'; $CR=''; } elsif (-d "/etc" && -d "/Users") { $OS='macosx'; $CR=''; } elsif ("$^O" =~ /cygwin/i || "$^O" =~ /win32/i) { $OS='windows'; $CR="\r"; } if (! $OS) { print "$PROG.$Extension was not able to detect your OS.\n"; print "Can't continue.\n"; print "$PROG.$Extension aborted.\n"; sleep 2; exit 1; } # Define buildroot # ---------------- if ($OS =~ /linux/) { $TEMP=$ENV{"TEMP"}||$ENV{"TMP"}||"/tmp"; } if ($OS =~ /macos/) { $TEMP=$ENV{"TEMP"}||$ENV{"TMP"}||"/tmp"; } if ($OS =~ /windows/) { $TEMP=$ENV{"TEMP"}||$ENV{"TMP"}||"c:/temp"; $PROGPATH=$ENV{"ProgramFiles"}; } if (! $TEMP || ! -d $TEMP) { print "Error: A temporary directory can not be find.\n"; print "Check that TEMP or TMP environment variable is set correctly.\n"; print "makepack-dolibarrtheme.pl aborted.\n"; sleep 2; exit 2; } $BUILDROOT="$TEMP/dolibarr-buildroot"; my $copyalreadydone=0; my $batch=0; print "Makepack theme version $VERSION\n"; print "Enter name of theme(s) to package (separated with space): "; $PROJECT=; chomp($PROJECT); @PROJECTLIST=split(/ /,$PROJECT); $PROJECT=join('',@PROJECTLIST); # Ask and set version $MAJOR and $MINOR print "Enter value for version: "; $PROJVERSION=; chomp($PROJVERSION); ($MAJOR,$MINOR)=split(/\./,$PROJVERSION,2); if ($MINOR eq '') { print "Enter value for minor version: "; $MINOR=; chomp($MINOR); } $FILENAME="$PROJECT"; $FILENAMETGZ="theme_$PROJECT-$MAJOR.$MINOR"; $FILENAMEZIP="theme_$PROJECT-$MAJOR.$MINOR"; if (-d "/usr/src/redhat") { # redhat $RPMDIR="/usr/src/redhat"; } if (-d "/usr/src/RPM") { # mandrake $RPMDIR="/usr/src/RPM"; } $SOURCE="$DIR/.."; $DESTI="$SOURCE/build"; # Choose package targets #----------------------- $target="ZIP"; # Packages uses this format if ($target) { $CHOOSEDTARGET{uc($target)}=1; } else { my $found=0; my $NUM_SCRIPT; while (! $found) { my $cpt=0; printf(" %d - %3s (%s)\n",$cpt,"All","Need ".join(",",values %REQUIREMENTTARGET)); foreach my $target (@LISTETARGET) { $cpt++; printf(" %d - %3s (%s)\n",$cpt,$target,"Need ".$REQUIREMENTTARGET{$target}); } # Are asked to select the file to move print "Choose one package number or several separated with space: "; $NUM_SCRIPT=; chomp($NUM_SCRIPT); if ($NUM_SCRIPT =~ s/-//g) { # Do not do copy $copyalreadydone=1; } if ($NUM_SCRIPT !~ /^[0-$cpt\s]+$/) { print "This is not a valid package number list.\n"; $found = 0; } else { $found = 1; } } print "\n"; if ($NUM_SCRIPT) { foreach my $num (split(/\s+/,$NUM_SCRIPT)) { $CHOOSEDTARGET{$LISTETARGET[$num-1]}=1; } } else { foreach my $key (@LISTETARGET) { $CHOOSEDTARGET{$key}=1; } } } # Test if requirement is ok #-------------------------- foreach my $target (keys %CHOOSEDTARGET) { foreach my $req (split(/[,\s]/,$REQUIREMENTTARGET{$target})) { # Test print "Test requirement for target $target: Search '$req'... "; $ret=`"$req" 2>&1`; $coderetour=$?; $coderetour2=$coderetour>>8; if ($coderetour != 0 && (($coderetour2 == 1 && $OS =~ /windows/ && $ret !~ /Usage/i) || ($coderetour2 == 127 && $OS !~ /windows/)) && $PROGPATH) { # Not found error, we try in PROGPATH $ret=`"$PROGPATH/$ALTERNATEPATH{$req}/$req\" 2>&1`; $coderetour=$?; $coderetour2=$coderetour>>8; $REQUIREMENTTARGET{$target}="$PROGPATH/$ALTERNATEPATH{$req}/$req"; } if ($coderetour != 0 && (($coderetour2 == 1 && $OS =~ /windows/ && $ret !~ /Usage/i) || ($coderetour2 == 127 && $OS !~ /windows/))) { # Not found error print "Not found\nCan't build target $target. Requirement '$req' not found in PATH\n"; $CHOOSEDTARGET{$target}=-1; last; } else { # Pas erreur ou erreur autre que programme absent print " Found ".$REQUIREMENTTARGET{$target}."\n"; } } } print "\n"; # Check if there is at least on target to build #---------------------------------------------- $nboftargetok=0; foreach my $target (keys %CHOOSEDTARGET) { if ($CHOOSEDTARGET{$target} < 0) { next; } $nboftargetok++; } if ($nboftargetok) { # Update buildroot #----------------- if (! $copyalreadydone) { print "Delete directory $BUILDROOT\n"; $ret=`rm -fr "$BUILDROOT"`; mkdir "$BUILDROOT"; mkdir "$BUILDROOT/htdocs"; mkdir "$BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme"; print "Copy $SOURCE into $BUILDROOT\n"; mkdir "$BUILDROOT"; foreach my $tmp (@PROJECTLIST) { $ret=`cp -pr "$SOURCE/htdocs/theme/$tmp" "$BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme"`; } } print "Clean $BUILDROOT\n"; $ret=`rm -fr $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/Thumbs.db $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/Thumbs.db $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/*/Thumbs.db $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/*/*/Thumbs.db`; $ret=`rm -fr $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/CVS* $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/CVS* $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/*/CVS* $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/*/*/CVS* $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/*/*/*/CVS* $BUILDROOT/htdocs/theme/$PROJECT/*/*/*/*/*/CVS*`; # Build package for each target #------------------------------ foreach my $target (keys %CHOOSEDTARGET) { if ($CHOOSEDTARGET{$target} < 0) { next; } print "\nBuild package for target $target\n"; if ($target eq 'TGZ') { unlink $FILENAMETGZ.tgz; print "Compress $BUILDROOT/htdocs into $FILENAMETGZ.tgz...\n"; $cmd="tar --exclude-vcs --exclude-from \"$DESTI/tgz/tar_exclude.txt\" --directory \"$BUILDROOT\" --mode=go-w --group=500 --owner=500 -czvf \"$FILENAMETGZ.tgz\" htdocs"; $ret=`$cmd`; if ($OS =~ /windows/i) { print "Move $FILENAMETGZ.tgz to $DESTI/$FILENAMETGZ.tgz\n"; $ret=`mv "$FILENAMETGZ.tgz" "$DESTI/$FILENAMETGZ.tgz"`; } next; } if ($target eq 'ZIP') { unlink $FILENAMEZIP.zip; print "Compress $FILENAMETGZ into $FILENAMEZIP.zip...\n"; chdir("$BUILDROOT"); $ret=`7z a -r -tzip -mx $BUILDROOT/$FILENAMEZIP.zip htdocs`; print "Move $FILENAMEZIP.zip to $DESTI\n"; $ret=`mv "$FILENAMEZIP.zip" "$DESTI/$FILENAMEZIP.zip"`; next; } } } print "\n----- Summary -----\n"; foreach my $target (keys %CHOOSEDTARGET) { if ($CHOOSEDTARGET{$target} < 0) { print "Package $target not built (bad requirement).\n"; } else { print "Package $target built succeessfully in $DESTI\n"; } } if (! $btach) { print "\nPress key to finish..."; my $WAITKEY=; } 0;